Valithyian Titanica
The Melisano Sea
Whether it is in herbal medicine, magical healing, or whatever other walks of life you make take, the Seakeepers would find a use for any and all mending hands.
Overseer and watcher of the Melisano Sea, the Waikaora walks between worlds and is represented by a white pearl said to hold the sea within.
The Waikaora ensures that balance is maintained and that the health of the sea is protected. As the Overseer and Watcher they are often blessed by the High Priestess in order to perform their duties ‘to become God-touched’.
As the teacher of the healing arts and guide of the Divine, the Waikaora walks between worlds to ensure that balance is maintained and those of the Shoal are nurtured. The physical, magical, and spiritual well-being of the Shoal is maintained through careful consideration and understanding of each member that becomes a Seakeeper.
The Waikaora sits upon the Valithyian Titanica Council.
Sub-Lead Rank.
The lights that guide the way as teachers and spiritual leaders, the Luminarchs are those that have proven themselves to be powerful in their chosen path.
Luninarchs can fall underneath one of the two classifications of Seakeepers, Divine or Healer. As such these individuals take on apprentices to pass on their skills and knowledge.
Luminarchs go by many titles, such as Priest, Priestess, Necromancer, Oracule, and other various titles that suit their given path. They are highly respected for their connection to the gods and their ability to pass between or call upon those from the veil.
Equally, the Luminarches are heavy studiers of the healing and divine arts; forever expanding their knowledge.
Officer Rank.
The chosen brothers and sisters of the sea, that are blessed with the ability of healing and or divinity (if one considers them to be separate). These individuals have chosen to walk the path of the sea and seek to understand and maintain the balance within.
Be it through healing and or divinity; the Seakeepers are touched by the will of the gods and protect the virtue of the Sea and Shoal alike.
Though they are still learning, the Seakeepers are adept and understand the importance of their role in the Shoal.
Seakeepers vary in skill, but each one understands the importance of the path they chose, at which point they learn what path they wish to take will be entirely up to them and their presence among the Seakeepers.
Trusted Rank.
Disciples of the Seakeepers, brought together by a common goal; the well-being of the sea through healing and divinity. Neophytes have only begun their path of healing and or divinity, but starting the path doesn’t always mean not being skilled or well-versed in the path set for them.
Neophytes know what they want and wish to achieve it through means of experience and knowledge, to be among the Seakeepers is their way of getting there.
Neophytes must prove themselves capable of their craft before taking their place as a Seakeeper.
Everyone Rank.